In which cases do we support?

Sell Side - Advice on the sale of a company

Many medium-sized and often owner-managed (family) businesses face the internal challenge of generational change and the associated succession.

It is the responsibility of the main shareholder or the managing partner:in to sustainably position the business for future development. If there is no (family-)internal successor, a suitable buyer must be found for the shares of the company.

Most entrepreneurs have invested a great deal of time, money and effort in their own company over the years, usually decades, so that the company often bundles most of the private assets.

In order to bring a part or even the entire bound fortune into the private sphere and thus its sheep into the dry and to reduce the entrepreneurial risk, the possibility exists of selling shares of the enterprise.

Most medium-sized entrepreneurs with a sustainable business model have already appeared on the radar of many potential buyers and investors. Accordingly, you will be confronted with many expressions of interest from the market, whereby the difficulty lies in differentiating between the serious or serious prospective customers and the rather questionable or non-transparent inquiries.

In order to profit from the structures or the resources of other companies, it is possible to supplement one’s own circle of shareholders with a strategically sensible, usually larger party. A suitable co-owner may have other distribution channels, production capacities or additional know-how that can give you an advantage.

You want to know whether the time is right for you to sell company shares. We would be happy to discuss this with you in confidence and without obligation!

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Buy Side - Advice on the acquisition of a company

In order to expand your product or service portfolio, your internal capacities and/or your regional coverage, you consider acquiring other market players or complementary companies. You can create added value and leverage potential through synergies, both in your own company and in the business to be acquired.

To reduce the already crowded and fragmented market by one participant and to expand your market presence, it may make sense to take over a competitor, as you will have more influence on the price structure and expand your influence.

You are considering to take over a company or are looking for suitable takeover candidates, but would like professional assistance? Let’s arrange a no-obligation meeting and we will show you suitable strategies.


Financing - advice on corporate financing

In order to implement the next big growth step, an alternative financing option away from the banks would make sense for you, as you do not want to bear the entire risk and your equity cover is not sufficient for such a step.

The banks are therefore becoming more restrictive and risk-averse, so it seems sensible to you to stretch the existing equity in the company via mezzanine/hybrid capital without having to inject hard equity from your private assets yourself.

In order to release or restructure tied-up capital in the company’s fixed assets and thus be able to finance the next growth steps, you are considering converting assets such as the company’s real estate and your machinery into liquidity via sale-and-lease-back.

Is the next investment you have to make a bit bigger than usual? Let us know what it’s about and we’ll be happy to review available options.


MBO/MBI - Management-Buy-Out / Management-Buy-In

In the course of your own succession, there is already the right successor for your person, as he/she already works in the company and holds a leading position, thus already enjoying recognition and respect from the workforce.

However, since you will not give him/her the company as a gift and he/she cannot afford it from his/her own resources, you need a suitable financing solution so that the person also has a significant stake in the company.

You are already in the management of a company or you have a leading position, but you would like to take on the role of an entrepreneur yourself, without having to build up a company from scratch? The owner of the company where you are employed has already offered you to take a share in the company or you already have another company in mind where you would like to take a share?

Do you want to buy the shares of your long-term partner and would like to find out how it works? Let’s sit down together and we will present you a concept.


PALLAS CAPITAL Corporate Solutions

For the successful acquisition and sale of companies, succession solutions and growth financing in the DACH region
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